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Russian Federation Ankara Ambassador Yerhov: There Are Problems in Money Transfers Between Turkey and Russia


Russian Federation Ankara Ambassador Yerhov: There Are Problems in Money Transfers Between Turkey and Russia

Russian Federation Ambassador to Ankara Aleksey Yerhov emphasized that there is a serious problem in money transfers between Turkey and Russia. According to Yerhov, who spoke to Rossiya 24 TV channel, the problem is; It emerged as a result of the decision of the US Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Financial Assets Control (OFAC) to tighten sanctions against the Russian Federation at the end of last year.

The Ambassador said, “Turkish banks have to take their decisions into account and in doing so, as we say; They supposedly adapt by “drinking water by blowing it even when the weather is cold” (Turkish: They eat yoghurt by blowing it). For our part, we are currently working with Turkish authorities to ensure that these measures do not harm bona fide actors in both Russian and Turkish foreign economic activities. “Our efforts continue,” he said.


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