Taoism and Spring Festival Rituals
In Taoism, people light a fire during the Spring Festival and the priests, half-naked, throw rice and salt on the fire and walk over the fire with bare feet.
The Relationship Between Gastronomy and Religion
Religion is a social value that regulates the belief systems of societies. Religion, which affects many areas, especially affects the eating and drinking traditions and rules of societies and plays a role in the formation of food culture.
Islam and Turkish Culinary Culture
Food culture has differentiated with the influence of Islam on Turkish Cuisine. Food prayers and certain prohibitions have an important place in Islam. Some foods, such as pork, were prohibited, and dates and Zamzam water had symbolic importance.
Christianity and Nutrition Habits
In Christianity, different eating habits are observed depending on the sects. Fasting, food prohibitions and special meal rules have shaped the nutritional culture of this religion.