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AK Party Candidate Ali Büyüközdemir: Safranbolu will take the place it deserves in tourism!


AK Party Candidate Ali Büyüközdemir: Safranbolu will take the place it deserves in tourism!

AK Party’s Safranbolu Mayor Candidate Atty. Ali Büyüközdemir is ready to take Safranbolu to its deserved place on the world tourism map with his groundbreaking projects and innovative vision in tourism. Drawing attention with his strategies that will introduce the historical and natural beauties of Safranbolu to the world by preserving the cultural heritage and increasing tourism diversity, Büyüközdemir aims to maximize the tourism potential of the district with the support of the local people. With his projects that highlight Safranbolu’s history, culture and nature, Büyüközdemir is a candidate to be the architect of the district’s ambitious rise in tourism. AK Party Candidate Ali Büyüközdemir

Safranbolu is known as one of Turkey’s most valuable tourism treasures with its historical texture, natural beauties and rich cultural heritage. However, like every valuable treasure, the right strategies and visionary leadership are of great importance for this special district to achieve the recognition and tourism income it deserves. In this context, AK Party’s Safranbolu Mayor Candidate Atty. Our interview with Ali Büyüközdemir examines how we can take Safranbolu’s tourism potential to the next level and Büyüközdemir’s plans in this regard. Büyüközdemir, who acts with the awareness of preserving the historical heritage and at the same time aims to integrate the modern tourism concept into the texture of the district, shares with us what needs to be done for Safranbolu to take the place it deserves in tourism. How will the future of Safranbolu be shaped in the hands of a leader who is aware of its potential in tourism? Hunting. Could Ali Büyüközdemir’s vision, projects and dreams for Safranbolu be a ray of hope for the rise of the district in tourism? The answers to these questions and more are hidden in the lines of our interview.

At work AK Party’s Safranbolu Mayor Candidate Atty. Our interview with Ali Büyüközdemir…

AK Parti'nin Safranbolu Belediye Başkan Adayı Av. Ali Büyüközdemir
AK Party’s Safranbolu Mayor Candidate Atty. Ali Büyüközdemir

Safranbolu District Mayor Candidate Atty. Ali Büyüközdemir announced his projects that will add value to the region with the participation of 1,500 people in Safranbolu yesterday. Politics, business world and the rigidity of Safranbolu people. At the Project Introduction Meeting, Mayor Candidate Büyüközdemir explained his goals and plans for Safranbolu District to become a world brand in tourism.

We asked him what we were curious about in our interview with him. We thank him for sparing time with his warm and friendly personality.

First of all, can you briefly summarize Safranbolu’s position, situation and potential in tourism?

Safranbolu, a distinguished district of Karabük province of our country, is known for its historical and cultural riches. Safranbolu, which is positioned far beyond being an ordinary district with its Historical Mansions and Turkish Houses, Bazaars and Inns, Safranbolu Houses, Natural Beauties and Local Delicacies, is one of the most important tourism centers of our country with its historical and cultural riches. Our Safranbolu district, one of Turkey’s first places to be included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, has the potential to provide an unforgettable experience to its visitors at any time of the year with its historical texture and natural beauties.

You can feel in every street that it is not a town to pass through. There are approximately 1500 historical monuments and 120 historical fountains in Safranbolu. It has carefully preserved its beauties until today, with its atmosphere that keeps the past alive. By staying in mansions, you travel into history. The city is a legacy of our country’s tourism values. But unfortunately its current situation does not reflect its true potential.

Do you think Safranbolu is in the position it deserves in tourism? What do you think are Safranbolu’s shortcomings in tourism?

Hidden Potential of Safranbolu: Rediscovery with the Power of Diversity and Promotion in Tourism

When we look at the past and today, we can see that it has not had the place it deserves, remaining in a “known but unrecognized” position. When we consider the current situation of Safranbolu, I can say with regret that diversity in tourism is not provided, activities that will attract the masses are not developed, and correct promotion and marketing strategies are not implemented. but When we consider the privileges that Safranbolu has, it is obvious that the most important source of income that will add value to the regional economy is tourism.It is not actually a dream for Turkey to become one of the most preferred tourism destinations with the right investments and visionary projects.

Lack of use of promotional and marketing tools, inconsistent pricing, and lack of qualified personnel are the most obvious problems of our region. Our region has become quiet and withdrawn as the projects presented in previous periods were not developed and remained on paper. The tradesmen and businesses we visited stated that they could not earn the income they deserve. While Safranbolu is a city that will make its voice heard to the world, its share in tourism is shrinking day by day. We have almost no activities that will attract our tourists, there is a serious decrease in the number of quality products that will attract our tourists to spend, some of our historical mansions have been left idle, and the service and experience offered by our venues are insufficient.

Tourism is the most important link in the service sector. Every mistake and shortcoming will eliminate our chance of being preferred again. When we use the time and expenses of our incoming tourists in the most appropriate way, we can ensure that they leave the region with a lasting and good experience. Each visitor returning home will provide reference information to our next visitors. How do disappointed and dissatisfied tourists describe our region in and around their country?

Safranbolu is a district with the human resources and vision to achieve success in tourism. By basing our projects on solid foundations, we have made feasibility studies to achieve our goals within 5 years. We focused on eliminating the shortcomings of our region and polishing the values ​​that need to be developed.

What can be done to help Safranbolu reach better levels in tourism? What path will you follow to take Safranbolu to better levels in tourism?

Safranbolu'nun Yeniden Keşfi: Tarih ve Turizmde Bir Dünya Markasının Doğuşu
Rediscovery of Safranbolu: Birth of a World Brand in History and Tourism

We are talking about a region with a history dating back to 3000 BC, where the Hittites, Phrygians, Lydians, Persians, Hellenistic Kingdoms, Romans, Seljuks and Ottomans dominated. We are talking about a district that is a “World Brand” and included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

With this awareness, we determined new strategies. We plan to implement it quickly with incentives and supports. We aim to attract not only world but also domestic tourists to our region.A district located approximately 5 hours from Istanbul and 2.5 hours from Ankara needs to benefit more from its domestic tourism potential.

We will take part in national and international media channels with events such as commercial activities, fair organizations, culture and arts organizations that will revitalize the tourism of our region. By starting the tourism movement of our region, we will ensure that our young people actively focus on our projects and have employment opportunities in their own lands instead of migrating to other provinces. We have unique values ​​and conditions to make Safranbolu a Brand City.

I believe that without resorting to excuses, we can develop the right strategies with a real municipalism approach, promote regional tourism in the best way and achieve great success.

“We will revitalize the tourism of our region with cultural marketing.”

We are in an age where everything is changing. As in every sector, expectations and needs have changed in tourism. Intercultural communication and interaction increased and new trends emerged. We aim to become a “brand city” in order to increase our region’s share of tourism and maintain continuity. With this perspective, we are aware that we need to produce creative and innovative approaches and develop smart strategies. We have one of the most important districts with the potential to provide added value for Turkey.

We will eliminate the inadequacies we have identified and expressed by our people with our visionary perspective. We have the human resources, knowledge, experience and experience to achieve success in tourism.

“With Today’s Vision, We Will Focus on Tomorrow’s Tourism.”

Tourism requires teamwork with the spirit of unity and solidarity. The most important investment of tourism should be in human resources. It describes those who experience a popular destination at its best. With this awareness, we will provide training for our local people. Increasing our market share by generating more income from tourism is only possible by thinking differently than we do now.

Our people will not be spectators of change, but an important part of it.

Can you tell us about your projects for Safranbolu tourism?

By protecting natural resources, we will provide different experiences to our visitors. For Safranbolu, which has a geographical advantage and rich resources, culture, history, nature and climate, tourism should not consist of accommodation. It is not possible to win hearts in tourism with historical mansions alone. For sustainable tourism, we must analyze the expectations well and be prepared for possible expectations and demands.

We developed short, medium and long term strategies. Improving our service producing businesses and ensuring tourist loyalty are essential for Safranbolu. While creating our road maps for target markets, we aimed to prevent loss of time, effort and money by using resources correctly.


"Sarıçiçek Yaylası: Doğa Turizminde Yeni Bir Sayfa Açılıyor"
Sarıçiçek Plateau: A New Page Opens in Nature Tourism

Our Sarıçiçek plateau will become the new center of nature tourism with our cable car project and other tourism investments. With mountaineering tourism, trekking tours and bungalow tourism, the diversity of tourism in our region will increase and the number of visitors to our district throughout the year will increase. We will bring visiting tourists together with nature through Mountaineering Tourism, Camping Tourism, Bungalow Accommodation, Trekking, Nature Tour and Nature Photography.


Safranbolu'nun Doğal Güzellikleri Öne Çıkıyor: Çeşitlenen Turizm Faaliyetleriyle Yeni Bir Dönem
Safranbolu’s Natural Beauties Stand Out: A New Era with Diversified Tourism Activities

We will provide support and make investments in different tourism areas to increase tourism diversity in Safranbolu. In order to bring our canyons to tourism, we will organize canyon trails, hiking trails for nature walks, and carry out recreation activities in the Incekaya region.

We will provide tourism supports and support for participation in national and international fairs to increase the recognition of our tourism-oriented companies operating in Safranbolu.



Nature Sports and Tourism are Revitalizing in Safranbolu: Full Support from the Municipality

Our municipality will provide the necessary support to carry out trekking tourism activities in the canyons, plateaus and other forest areas of our district, and We will provide incentives to our tourism professionals.In order for the canyons within the borders of our district to play a more active role in nature tourism, We will offer canyon tourism support and incentives. Camping, mountaineering, rafting etc. We will provide incentives and support for canyon tours and activities.

By making the necessary track arrangements for offroad sports, we will ensure that our district becomes one of the main routes where offroad sports are organized, and we will make our district a popular destination for offroad tourism.
We will make the necessary incentives and investments for it to become one of the centers of

Finally, is there anything you would like to say to our readers?

When we look at destinations that are well-known and in constant demand, it is obvious that they make a difference with the right strategies. Having a good strategy alone is not enough. It is necessary to be able to predict and manage the future. We are ready for the days when we will work hard to realize our projects that preserve the history of Safranbolu and take care of the welfare of our people, and to change the fate of Safranbolu.


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