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MEB is Preparing a Decision That May Affect the Tourism Sector


MEB is Preparing a Decision That May Affect the Tourism Sector

MEB is Preparing a Decision That May Affect the Tourism Sector: Sabah Newspaper’s claim that ‘Vacation time is getting shorter, school time is increasing’

The Ministry of National Education (MEB), which has decided to continue the one-week mid-term holiday in November and April, is preparing a regulation to increase the education working day period from 180. Work has begun to create a calendar so that students go to school 200 days a year.

Is there a mid-term holiday in November and April?

The Ministry of National Education (MEB) will not make any changes regarding mid-term holidays. Midterm holidays in November and April will continue to be applied. However, according to the news in Sabah Newspaper, the Ministry of Education has started to prepare a study to extend the working days of education. That means holidays will continue, but students will go to school for longer. With the expected regulation, it is aimed to increase the education and training working days from 180 to 200 days.

When will the 2024-2025 Academic Year Start?

According to the previously announced calendar, the 2024-2025 Academic Year will start on September 9, 2024. According to Sabah Newspaper’s claim; It is planned to extend the total training working day by shortening the summer holiday. The working days of education in Turkey are 90 days in the first semester and 90 days in the second semester, for a total of 180 days. Training working days are calculated by subtracting public holidays, national and religious holidays and weekends. In other words, students go to school for a total of 180 days in an academic year. In developed countries, this period is over 200 days.

Duration of Education Year by Country

In Finland, Hong Kong, Germany and New Zealand, a student goes to school 190 days a year. Going to school is 193 days in Singapore, 194 days in Canada and Shanghai, 200 days in the Netherlands, 210 days in Japan, and 220 days in South Korea. It was learned that the summer vacation period may be shortened in order to increase the education and training working days to 200 days. The summer holiday period in Turkey was 13 weeks before the mid-term holiday. Starting from the 2019-2020 academic year, this period has been reduced to 11 weeks.

Summer Vacation Duration of Schools by Country

New Zealand has 5-6 weeks, South Korea, Japan, Netherlands, Singapore, Hong Kong 6 weeks, Germany 6-6.5 weeks, Taiwan, Shanghai 9 weeks, Finland and America 10-11 weeks, and Estonia 11.5 weeks. In Sweden, students have a 10-week summer holiday, and in England, a 6-week summer holiday. MEB Tourism Sector


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