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Foreign Travel Preferences of German Tourists in 2023


Foreign Travel Preferences of German Tourists in 2023

According to the data announced by Tourism Databank’s German Federal Statistical Office – Destatis, Spain and Turkey were among the most preferred countries for air travels from Germany abroad in 2023.

  • While Germans recorded a 14.6% increase in their trips to Turkey in 2023, their trips to Spain increased by 11.7%.
  • Total international travel departures increased by 19% and reached 86.6 million.
  • Among the most visited destinations in the 12 months of 2023, Spain reached 13.1 million and Turkey reached 9.9 million.
  • Italy ranked with 5.9 million visitors, the USA with 5.2 million and Greece with 4.3 million visitors.

For more information about German Tourists’ International Travel Preferences in 2023: Which Destinations Did Germans Prefer Most Between January – November 2023?


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