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2023 Cruise Tourism Report


2023 Cruise Tourism Report

2023 Report Card of Cruise Tourism

According to the data announced by the General Directorate of Maritime Affairs; In 2023, 1192 cruise ships docked at 19 ports across Turkey.

The Top Three Ports Where Most Ships Berth

Kuşadası is the port where the most ships dock with 531 cruise ships (465 ships in 2022); Kuşadası was followed by Istanbul Galataport Port with 225 ships (180 ships in 2022). Bodrum Port ranked third with 97 ships (93 ships in 2022).

The total number of cruise passengers in 2023 was announced as 1 million 542 thousand 522. Of this number, 98 thousand 071 were incoming passengers, 100 thousand 661 were outgoing passengers, and 1 million 343 thousand 790 were transit passengers.

The ports where the fewest cruise ships docked in 2023 are; Fethiye ports with 1 cruise ship, Samsun and Kaş ports with 4 cruise ships each.

When we look at the distribution of cruise traffic by months, the month with the highest number of ships docked was October, with 196 cruise ships.

A total of 993 ships docked at Turkish ports in 2022. There was a 20% increase in the number of ships docking at Turkish ports in 2023 compared to the previous year 2022.


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